A Circus of Chaos

Charlene Majersky, Ph.D.
Atlanta, Georgia

Take your seats, if you will.
The show is about to begin.
Absent communication on the basic level,
putting out fires to no end,
no processes,
no procedures,
Spinning endlessly in chaos and confusion,
sinking further into oblivious.
is our specialty,
our MO (modus operandi).
And yet, we are not interested in learning
more collaborative and harmonious ways
to interact with others.
It’s not ever our fault, and we take absolutely no responsibility
for our behavior and actions.
We dabble here and we dabble there.
Self awareness is of no interest to us.
Instead, we thrive on being high maintenance
and stirring up drama.
Look world, we’re drama queens and drama kings.
Do we win an Academy award for our performance?
Perhaps best picture in a drama series?
Wait, it’s not an act, that’s what we do.
Send in the clowns,
trapeze acts,
the acrobats.
Look at us walking the tight rope,
swaying from side to side, nearly losing our balance.
We crave to be in the limelight.
We are desperate for attention.
We want others to be miserable, just as we are.
And we will do whatever it takes to bring everyone down with us.
Get out of our way!

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