The Positive Psychology of Transformation: From Positive Suffering Mindset to Sustainable Flourishing
August 1-3, 2025
Hybrid Meaning Conference
Conference venue: To be confirmed soon.
Pre-registration deadline: July 31, 2025
Pre-registration now available on Eventbrite. Early Bird Ends on May 31, 2025, 11:30PM ET.
Onsite registration: August 1, 2025
Conference Partners & Sponsors*
*More Partners & Sponsors TBA
Meaning Conference 2025 will be our first in-person conference with a virtual option after the pandemic. The emphasis will be on face-to-face interactions throughout the 3-day conference.
Continuing our 25 years of tradition of excellence and being the vanguard in meaning-centered research and therapy, Meaning Conference 2025 represents an important watershed: It celebrates the latest advancement in Existential Positive Psychology (EPP or PP2.0) – Positive Suffering Mindset as the Key to Real-life Happiness & Success, Ultimate Existential Well-Being & Sustainable Flourishing as the Conference Theme for Meaning Conference 2025.
Life can be very difficult, and we are all broken in some places. That is how the light comes in through the cracks, according to Hemingway. This is the best possible life in a cruel world.
Existential Positive Psychology (EPP or PP2.0) is the holistic and interdisciplinary study of well-being and flourishing in the context of the human condition. The new science of flourishing through suffering focuses on the innate human capacity to transform darkness into light through meaning and spirituality.
The highlight of the conference is the first world summit on Contrast Visions of the Good Life, with a dialogue among leaders representing different approaches, such as Positive Psychology, Existential Positive Psychology, Existential Psychology, Constructivist Psychology, Jungian Psychology, and Indigenous Psychology. This collaborative rather than adversarial approach represents the best hope of integrating the wisdom and empirical evidence from East and West, South and North for sustainable global flourishing.
In addition, other conference themes include the following timely topics:
- Life intelligence and positive education – how to prepare children and young people for an uncertain future.
- Wrestling with God and spiritual growth – how the dark night of the soul is necessary for spiritual transformation and walking in divine light.
- Compassion and justice in a polarized world – how to love your neighbour from different cultures and restore social justice.
- Servant leadership and work engagement – how to increase engagement in a post-pandemic world
- Psychobiography and positive autoethnography – how to enrich meaning research by integrating lived experiences with ethnography of Indigenous culture.
Double Celebration
We, the INPM family (, will have a double celebration: first, the 25th anniversary of International Meaning Conference; second, the 60th wedding anniversary for Paul and Lilian Wong who have tirelessly and sacrificially led the development of INPM and Meaning Conference for 3 decades.
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers*
Confirmed Keynote speakers include: Emmy van Deurzen, Todd Kashdan, Michael Steger, and Paul T. P. Wong
Keynote speakers pending confirmation: Martin Seligman, Robert Emmons, Brené Brown, and Jordan Peterson
*Full Lineup Coming Soon
Registration Pricing
Please visit our registration page for more details. Don’t miss the Early Bird, INPM Member, Student, and Senior discounts!
Call for Papers and Submission Guidelines
Submissions will be accepted until June 1, 2025, 11:59pm ET
Existential Positive Psychology (EPP or PP2.0) is the holistic and interdisciplinary study of well-being and flourishing in the context of the human condition. The new science of flourishing through suffering focuses on the innate human capacity to transform darkness into light through meaning and spirituality.
We welcome researchers and practitioners from all disciplines and theoretical stripes to join us in tackling any of the following areas.
- Life intelligence and positive education – how to prepare children and young people for an uncertain future.
- Wrestling with God and spiritual growth – how the dark night of the soul is necessary for spiritual transformation and walking in divine light.
- Compassion and justice in a polarized world – how to love your neighbour from different cultures and restore social justice.
- Servant leadership and work engagement – how to increase engagement in a post-pandemic world
- Psychobiography and positive autoethnography – how to enrich meaning research by integrating lived experiences with ethnography of Indigenous culture.
The above represents only a subset of the vast domain of PP 2.0. All submissions are welcome in any areas related to the adaptive benefits of what is typically considered as undesirable or detrimental for wellbeing.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are not restricted to the above conference themes. We welcome submissions on a wide variety of topics related to the broad domains of meaning research and applications, such as resilience, grit, addiction recovery, positive education, life and death education, and psychotherapy. Both qualitative and quantitative presentations are welcome.
Please submit all abstracts to and Cc no later than 11:59 PM ET on June 1, 2025:
- The email subject line should be “Meaning Conference 2025 Submission | [Author Name(s)]”
- The attached file(s) should be .docx or .doc (or .rtf for those without Microsoft Word)
- Minimum 1 and maximum 3 submissions per person
- Text should be single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font
- Include author name(s) and affiliation(s), submission title, presentation type, presentation length (if it is a workshop)
- Please see the presentation types below for further instructions for each presentation type and CE credits
Notice of acceptance will be issued as soon as the review is completed, and no later than July 1, 2025.
Presentation Types
Symposia are 60-minute presentations by 3-5 individuals who address a common theme or topic. Ten minutes should be reserved for questions from the audience. Proposals for symposia should include a 300-word overview and abstracts from the individual participants of about 300 words.
Paper Sessions
Individual oral presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes and will be grouped with other presentations. Individual papers should include a 300-word abstract and an indication of which conference theme(s) apply to it. Your submission may be reviewed for a poster presentation if it cannot fit into a paper session. Please note that invited paper presentations will be 20 minutes.
Workshops may range from 1 to 2 hours. Typically, they involve interaction with participants with a focus on interventions. Workshop proposals should include a 500-word overview and a 250-word biography which includes the presenter’s education and professional experience.
Poster submissions should include a 300-word abstract. Posters will be displayed on 4’ x 3’ (121cm x 91cm) poster boards.
CE Credits
If you seek CE Credits, please include a 250-word biography for each presenter as well as the learning objectives of your submission. Fulltime attendees can get a maximum of 22 credit hours.
The International Network on Personal Meaning is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The International Network on Personal Meaning maintains responsibility for the program.
Scholarships – To Be Announced.
Meaning Conference 2018 & 2021 Testimonials
Thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to participate in this wonderful weekend-long journey into meaning. I learned so much and plan on continuing to develop my coaching niche around the concepts and models you taught this weekend. With profound gratitude!
Karen Henry, M.A.
Owner, Henry Healing
It was fantastic … there was still so much rich content. … I so appreciate the holistic approach you and Lilian bring, acknowledging, encompassing, and embracing both tragedies and triumph. And what I am also grateful for, what possibly some of the other participants don’t know, is that this is not mere theory, but values that both you and Lilian live out. I am a witness and beneficiary of your kindness and gracious hope.
Dean Davey, Ph.D. Candidate
Vice President for Student Development, Pacific Life Bible College
Thanks again for hosting such a great weekend to explore MiL and MT at your Summer Institute. You are both very inspirational to us on many levels.
Scott McCready
Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Mobile Health Network
The 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference has been such an inspiring, meaningful, educational, wonderful, and important experience for me. You all must have put in innumerable hours to prepare for, organize, orchestrate, and implement this virtual conference so professionally and brilliantly. It is by far the best, most memorable, significant psychology conference I have ever attended.
Mitch Hall
Holistic Health and Wellness Counselor, QiGong Teacher
The summit was excellent. One of the best panels I have seen in a long time. Thanks again! You rock!
José I. Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Professor, California State University, Long Beach
Congratulations! The conference was great!
Huei-min Harriet Wu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Fo Guang University
Refund Policy
Refund requests will be accepted until June 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM (ET). After this time, NO refunds will be offered, although tickets may be transferred to another attendee as arranged by the person who purchased the tickets. Typically, refund or transfer requests will be responded to in 1-5 business days.
Tickets will be refunded in full minus a $100 processing fee. If multiple tickets from one order are refunded, the processing fee applies once. If multiple tickets from multiple orders are refunded, the processing fee applies per order.
All refunds will be processed online.
If the ticket purchase includes the option of CE Credits, this will also be included in the refund.