A Bright Beacon in an Uncertain World

Guest Editorial Luis A. Marrero, MA, RODP
Considering the magnitude of the global problems we face as a species, never before has the mission of The International Network for Personal Meaning (INPM) become ever so relevant and fitting. Then INPM is dedicated to advancing health, spirituality, peace and human fulfillment through research, education and applied psychology with a focus on the universal quest for meaning and purpose.
This issue of The INPM Newsletter includes our President’s Report where Dr. Paul Wong shares major accomplishments and exciting initiatives to benefit our members. Included also is my article titled, “What is Meaning and Meaningful: And Why it Matters” based in my book, “The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Psychological Foundations of Logoteleology.” The INPM Newsletter is also encouraging current members to renew their INPM membership, and invites new members to join and be an active part of a noble cause. Finally, we are excited about the election process for a new INPM Board of Directors and President Elect. Please read the announcement and vote. Our collective engagement and passion for INPM’s mission has been and is making a positive difference. Let us stand together and keep INPM as a bright beacon of hope in an uncertain world.
Enjoy your INPM Newsletter!
Luis A. Marrero
Make a difference by becoming an INPM member!
President's Report Paul T.P. Wong, PhD
Under New Management: INPM Starts a New Chapter
The inception of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM) was as audacious as the start-up of a new business venture, with nothing more than a dream and passion. In those early days, fearless of obstacles and failures, I forged ahead with all I had and got my hands dirty in many aspects of the fledging organization just to keep the dream alive.
That was back in 1989. Now, after almost 20 years of struggle, I feel gratified that I have accomplished more than I expected. I am now very pleased to pass on the torch, with the knowledge that INPM is financially in the black and enjoying an international reputation. [...]
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Become an INPM Member!
What is INPM?
- Founded in 1998 by Dr. Paul T. P. Wong.
- Advancing Viktor Frankl’s mission of healing and wellbeing through meaning in individuals and society
What is INPM best known for?
- Biennial International Meaning Conferences & Summer Institutes
- Home for integrative meaning-centered counselling and therapy
- Home for existential positive psychology and second wave positive psychology (PP2.0)
- Giving positive psychology away in meaningful living groups
Why INPM membership?
- 20% discount of all INPM events
- Keeping abreast with new developments in meaning research & PP2.0
- Learning the latest in applied positive psychology interventions
- Opportunities for professional development in research or practice
- Opportunities for networking and collaboration
- Getting involved in the growing second wave positive psychology
- Interacting with leaders in both humanistic and positive psychology
- Getting involved in INPM initiatives and leadership
- Making a difference in the world through INPM
Become a member or renew your membership »
What is Meaning and Meaningful: And Why it Matters Luis A. Marrero, M.A, RODP, LLP
Author. The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Foundations of Logoteleology
Viktor Frankl stated that “the future of logotherapy is dependent on all logotherapists.” Further, he stated that he wished “that the cause of logotherapy be taken over and carried out by independent and inventive, innovative and creative spirits.”[1] Inspired by Viktor Frankl, the science of logoteleology or Meaningful Purpose Psychology emerged as a new discipline that leveraged empirical research from various schools of psychology. Meaningful Purpose Psychology is the scientific study of the meanings that enable people and institutions to succeed. For an in-depth understanding of the theory a good place to start is to read my book, The Path to a Meaningful Purpose: Psychological Foundations of Logoteleology. This paper touches on the subject of meanings and what is meaningful; explain why they are relevant, and how they can be leveraged. [...]
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Featured Member: Chieh Hsu
Born and Raised in Taiwan, Chieh completed her M.A. degree in Counselor Education in The Ohio State University in 2013 and licensed as an Ohio professional counselor since. Chieh’s professional interests include life education, suicide prevention, crisis intervention, and global networking.
After almost losing two friends to suicide in her early 20’s, Chieh started to learn life education and is dedicated to promoting holistic wellness through personal meaning and spirituality. She also worked at Taiwan National Suicide Prevention Center to learn worldwide governmental policies and to raise public awareness in suicide prevention. She is currently serving as a non-partisan, non-religious Chaplain Intern at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center in California to assist patients in exploring and managing concerns from a spiritual and meaning-centered perspective.