Research Articles

Below are the most recent articles posted on INPM relating to Meaning Research. For a complete selection of articles, please visit our archives

How to Write a Research Proposal
Paul T. P. Wong,
Ph.D. C.Psych

"Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one's research is only as a good as one's proposal..."
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Control in the uncontrollable - the case of cancer
Isla Carboon
PhD candidate
University of Melbourne, Australia

"A sense of control is fundamental to our wellbeing. An awareness of our agency and efficacy underpins the motivation for much of our behavior - without a belief that we can successfully act upon our environment to fulfill our needs, we no longer have a foundation upon which to proceed..."
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Academic Integrity: A Letter to My Students
William M. Taylor
Oakton Community College
Des Plaines, IL

"...would you want to be operated on by a doctor who cheated his way through medical school? Or would you feel comfortable on a bridge designed by an engineer who cheated her way through engineering school? Would you trust your tax return to an accountant who copied his exam answers from his neighbor?..."
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Counter-Therapeutic Myths that Prevent People From Forgiving
Kenneth E. Hart, Ph.D.
Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology
University of Windsor

"...There is tremendous controversy among behavioral scientists about what 'authentic' forgiveness is. However, everyone agrees on one thing. It's a shift away from angry interpersonal emotions and related aggression and desire to do harm. This essay discusses the various meanings that have been attached to the term 'forgiveness.'..."
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Exploring learning styles: developing a flexible teaching approach: reflections on Pedagogy Saturday VI
Rebecca Rischin

"If only one size did fit all.... If only teaching were as easy as one plus one equals two--a mathematical problem with a single solution. But teaching involves people, not numbers, and while numbers can be plugged into formulae to yield predictable equations, people cannot. They are not perfect squares; they come in many shapes and sizes; they act and react in such a way that similar problems must frequently be approached from different angles..."
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