An Introduction to Positive Existential Coaching as a Meaning-Making Intervention


Author: Yannick Jacob,, M.Sc., M.A.

Category: Meaning Conference Proceedings

Pages: 17

JEPP Issue: Vol. 9 No. 1

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Questions of meaning, happiness, identity, and belonging are pertinent to
psychological wellbeing. Exploring these questions with clients not only helps to
resolve ongoing crises but also builds resilience against future adversity. When
discussed within a coaching framework, such an exploration helps clients to move
forward and achieve results well beyond performance. An approach to coaching
informed by existential philosophy and positive psychology specifically addresses
the three aspects of life that human beings value most: existence, happiness, and
agency. The 3-factor model of Positive Existential Coaching offers a meaningful
integration. A number of meeting points between the fields are introduced.
Existential intelligence in combination with positive psychological science is
suggested as a suitable pathway towards achieving sustainable happiness. Given the broad range of coaching styles and definitions, the processes, tools, and methods of the positive existential coach will vary but possible commonalities include phenomenological inquiry, following a process and the use of assessments derived from empirical science.