Recently, Petruccelli, Davis & Berman, (2019) published a systematic review and meta-analysis examining 96 articles conducted into adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and health outcomes. The analysis concluded that intercession is required to ameliorate negative outcomes. Cobain and Vital (2021) published a quantitative investigation into adults with ACEs. The study incorporated neurobiological underpinnings to produce the Dynamic Resilience and Flourishing Model (DRFM). Theoretical evidence demonstrated how resilience and flourishing can be fostered through the development of social support, courage, persistence, acceptance, emotional agility, and meaning for transformation. This article explores how the DRFM can be applied by trauma-informed practitioners to offer a creative and empowering strength-based approach to build resilience that influences positive outcomes within adults with trauma originating in childhood. Could a strengths approach avoid the pitfall of offering the same treatment merely re-packaged as trauma-informed?