Membership: Regular

From: $90.00 / year

The regular membership is restricted to individuals who hold a minimum of a master’s degree in psychology or related fields, e.g. education, philosophy, nursing, medicine, business, etc. Please note that regular membership is required to lead any special interest groups or assume leadership roles in INPM.


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Regular Membership Benefits:

  1. Free subscription to Quarterly Positive Living Newsletter.
  2. Access to Meaningful Living Group and its materials.
  3. 20% discounts attending INPM workshops, conferences, Summer Institute, and INPM Publications.
  4. Free subscription and submission to our peer-reviewed online Journal.
  5. Expert consultation on meaning-focused research & clinical applications.
  6. Eligibility to lead a Special Interest Group or other INPM-approved initiative.
  7. Access to online learning library archive of previous workshop and conference recordings.