The present study aimed to present an existential optimism and deliver empirical evidence to understand positive transformation for adults with ACEs. This is the
first study within Positive Psychology to explore foundational strengths theorised
for resilience and flourishing following ACEs. The relationship between courage,
persistence, acceptance, meaning for transformation, and emotional agility was
examined along with the mediating role of social support. A sample of 477 adults
with at least one ACEs completed self-reported questionnaires. Structural equation
model (SEM) was used. The results indicated that the model’s goodness of fit was
excellent (χ2/df = 1.636, p =.099, RMSEA =.037, CFI =.988, TLI =.972, NFI =.970)
and suggested that those with ACEs have innate courage and thus display the ability
for both resilience and flourishing. Resilience was demonstrated as being a
dynamic, complex interaction of protective factors that occur over time.
Accordingly, the present study presents the first developmental phase of the
Dynamic Resilient Flourishing Model (DRFM) for cultivating resilience and
flourishing in adults with ACEs. The limitations and recommendations for future
research are discussed.
Keywords: Adverse Childhood Experiences, Courage, Emotional Agility, Resilient
Flourishing, Strengths for Positive Transformation