Meaning Management

The Role of Wu-Wei in Flourishing

New Ideas for PP 2.0 Research

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Jul 10, 2024

A “flow” state occurs when one is fully, competently engaged with a challenging task to the point of forgetting oneself and the passing of time. In contrast, a state of “Wu-Wei” is defined by two dimensions: (a) Fully focusing on the present without any task or goal in mind, and (b) in perfect harmony with […]

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Boredom and Free Time During the Pandemic

Daniel Jordan

Posted Jun 27, 2020

Recent research has identified free time and boredom as contributors to deteriorating mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to an April 27 poll by the Angus Reid Institute, half of Canadians reported a worsening of their mental health, with 1 in 10 reporting a significant worsening. The same study found that a significant portion […]

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Learning to Listen

Jeri-Lyn Munro

Posted Jun 27, 2020

Frontline workers keep us safe. Police officers, firefighters, emergency medical services, emergency department teams, doctors, nurses, long-term care aides, outreach social workers and corrections staff work in risky settings, even without the added pressures that accompany a pandemic. Every day and every shift they may be called upon to deal with life-threatening dangers and injuries—and […]

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Society’s Breakthrough … and You

Jim Rough

Posted Sep 10, 2018

I believe that most of the really big impossible-seeming problems of society are caused by our system. For 25 years, I have been stewarding a realistic, achievable breakthrough solution—how we can transform our system to work for everyone, so we can solve the monster problems our system is creating. And we don’t need government to do it for us. With enough money and media support, you and I could set this transformation in motion.

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