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The Role of Wu-Wei in Flourishing

New Ideas for PP 2.0 Research

A “flow” state occurs when one is fully, competently engaged with a challenging task to the point of forgetting oneself and the passing of time. In contrast, a state of “Wu-Wei” is defined by two dimensions: (a) Fully focusing on the present without any task or goal in mind, and (b) in perfect harmony with […]

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Positive Suffering Mindset: The Key To Flourishing In Turbulent Times

A Case Study Of An Old Man's Adventure In Lalaland (Part One)

Dr. Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Jun 27, 2024


My wife and I were very apprehensive about flying to Redlands, California, to present a paper at the International Interdisciplinary Conference On Clinical Supervision. Our main concern was my health condition. After two near fatal accidents in the last two years, I had difficulties maintaining my balance, and every step could be my last step […]

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Peacebuilding for Human Flourishing

Victoria L. Bowers

Posted Jun 26, 2024

The world today is full of crises, with many people suffering from violence, armed conflict, poverty, racism, discrimination, and oppression (Schirch, 2013). Due to the rise in conflict internationally, there is a need for peacebuilding and spiritual healing (Lederach, 2004). Peacebuilding and humanitarian action have become a necessity. Peacebuilding efforts can alleviate suffering and make […]

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New Member: Martha Mathews Libster

Martha Mathews Libster

Posted Jun 24, 2024


Dr. Martha Mathews Libster, PhD, MSN, APRN-PMHCNS, APHN-BC, FAAN, Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and Board-Certified Advanced Practice Holistic Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Infant Mental Health Specialist, is the Founder and Executive Director of Golden Apple Healing Arts, LLC and its Self-care and Choreosophy Institutes. She is an international expert […]

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New Member: Catti Lee

Catti Lee

Posted Jun 24, 2024


A life without meaning and purpose is like living in a merry-go-round. Born and bred in Hong Kong, I am living in a society where an ordinary corporate job can easily afford you decent food, fashion, and a getaway trip to Japan every month. Of course, I enjoy this lively side of metropolitan life–but at […]

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New Member: Nelson Kung

Nelson Kung

Posted Jun 24, 2024


My Professional Background I began my career as a training manager and consultant, eventually venturing into the fast-food industry as a store owner. A pivotal moment in my journey came when I met Dr. Brian Stiller, the World Evangelical Alliance Ambassador, who opened doors for me at World Relief Canada and Tyndale Seminary. This connection […]

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Standing Still: Finding Growth Through Acceptance and Purpose

Logan D. Hanley

Posted Jun 24, 2024

At the dawn of humanity, growth was barely a concept. We humans, like members of every other species, either survived or perished. As we flourished and civilized, personal growth began to encompass an increasing number of dimensions. Cut to 2024. We are flooded with growth and improvement barometers. We have smart watches which provide a […]

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Seeking the Divine

Pat Moran

Posted Jun 24, 2024

For centuries we have known that mankind has been seeking a closeness with the Divine, a supreme being, a creator whether through the calling of God (Yahweh), Jehovah, Adonai, Allah, Abba Father, Buddha, El Shaddai, or Baha’i, to name a few. Countless deities help us deepen our understanding of man’s spiritual journey and our place […]

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Suicide Risks Among College Students From Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Apr 21, 2024

Notes: This is a version of the article published as: Wong, P. T. P. (2013). Suicide risks among college students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Directions in Psychiatry, 33(4), 237-249.; This article follows AMA manual of style formatting and referencing. ABSTRACT This chapter reviews the recent statistics for youth suicide in North America. It identifies cultural […]

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