We are conducting an international study in more than 30 countries around the world, including the areas most affected by the COVID-19 thus far, such as Spain, Italy, and the United States of America. The goal of the study is to evaluate how people cope psychologically with the current coronavirus crisis (e.g., confinement, feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression).
The study is administered online. It aims to measure different mechanisms of psychological coping and its beneficial/detrimental effects on mental health with a longitudinal design. A special emphasis is put on elements proposed by existential positive psychology such as meaning in life, mature happiness, prosocial behavior, responsibility, and acceptance of negative emotions as potential buffers against stress and mental health problems.
We live in a very intense and crucial time for humanity because for more than a hundred years we have not faced a pandemic as harmful as the current one. As psychologists and researchers, we have the responsibility to measure the psychological effects of this crisis in order to understand which are the most effective coping methods. With this knowledge we will be able to identify the characteristics of the most resilient and also the most vulnerable people with the long-term objective of generating interventions that can help in times of crisis like this.
The principal investigators are Nikolett Eisenbeck, David F. Carreno, Paul T. P. Wong, and Joshua Hicks. We are looking for collaboration and participants. To collaborate, please, send an email to Nikolett (nikolett.eisenbeck@ual.es) or David (carrenodf@ual.es).
To respond to the online survey in English, click here: https://forms.gle/wX1hyPNsMtztQyup8
For further information and available languages, click here: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Psychological-coping-with-the-coronavirus-pandemic.
As a reward for participating in this study, we will send you the following ebook by Dr. Paul Wong.