Claude-Hélène Mayer (Dr. disc. pol. habil., PhD, PhD, MA hist-phil, MSc) is a Full Professor in Industrial and Organisational Psychology at the University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, Adjunct Professor (PD) at the Europa Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and a Senior Research Associate at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
She holds Master degrees in Crime Science, Investigation and Intelligence (MSc) and in Cultural Anthropology (Magister Artium), a Doctorate in Cultural Anthropology, a PhD in Psychology and a PhD in Management. The Venia Legendi is in Psychology with focus on Work, Organisational and Cultural Psychology (Europa Universität Viadrina).
She has published several monographs, text collections, accredited journal articles, and special issues on transcultural mental health, salutogenesis and sense of coherence, shame in cultural contexts, transcultural conflict management and mediation, women in leadership, and psychobiography.
She is anchored in the perspectives of positive psychology and systems psychodynamics.