I am a chartered clinical psychologist in UK and registered clinical psychologist in Hong Kong, with specializations in child psychology, rehabilitation, and neuropsychology. I hold Associate Fellowships in both British Psychological Society and Hong Kong Psychological Society. I publish in diverse disciplines from paediatrics, geriatric psychiatry, neuroscience to mental health. I lectured for several professional master courses at the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Currently I am doing my PhD (Collaborative Program in Neuroscience) at University of Toronto under the Department of Psychology, while I am a registered Psychological Associate under supervised practice in both clinical psychology and clinical neuropsychology in Ontario, Canada.
My interest in existential meaning therapy roots from my engagement in promoting positive psychology to Asian countries during my early career. I look forward to contributing to the development of the integration of traditional psychotherapy and existential positive psychology pioneered by Dr. Paul Wong.
Teddy C.K. Cheung (he/him)
MSSc Clin Psy (CUHK), MSc Cog Neuropsy (UCL), PGDip Clin Paed Neuropsy (UCL)
PhD Candidate | Psychology
University of Toronto
Cognitive Neuroscience & Sensorimotor
Integration (CoNSens) Lab | SW550 | uoft.me/consens
Lab for Infant Studies | HW302 | uoft.me/utscinfant
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough ON, Canada, M1C 1A4