Miscellaneous, Positive Living Newsletter

Miscellany July 2020

INPM Webinars

The INPM is pleased to announce two free  webinars hosted by Dr. Paul T.P. Wong on growing during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Webinar A explains: (a) Why we need to accept COVID-19 as an opportunity to develop existential courage to transcend suffering as a rock foundation to build a better life, and (b) Why the new science of suffering is necessary for sustainable flourishing in times like this.

Webinar B shows: (a) How Viktor Frankl developed the antidote against suffering, and (b) How existential positive interventions transform suffering into character strength and joy.

These two webinars constitute the Introduction to a Certificate Course on Existential Positive Psychology (PP 2.0) and Meaning-Focused Interventions, which will be offered later.

All registrants will receive Dr. Wong’s new ebook Made for Resilience and Happiness as the textbook for the webinar (see below).

To register, for these webinars click here. Space is limited so register today! (NOTE: If you are registering using a mobile device, you may have to click the link twice to register for the two separate webinars)

The presenter: Dr. Paul T. P. Wong Ph.D., C.Psych is the President of the INPM and a renowned psychologist, who pioneers in the new science of flourishing through suffering. He invites you to inquire about becoming a member of the new Research Institute on Flourishing & Suffering.

Research Institute on flourishing and suffering

From the perspective of second wave positive psychology (PP 2.0), the complexity of the human mind can be best understood in terms of contractions between opposing forces, such as good and evil, happiness and suffering. Therefore, the circle of wholeness and wellbeing consists of two halves, the existential positive psychology of suffering (Yin) and the positive psychology of flourishing (Yang).

Research on the relationship between flourishing and suffering demands more attention because healing, flourishing, and growth may depend on the optimal tension and balancing between conflicting forces. (Wong, 2019). When we embrace suffering and death as part of us, and work with them as our life partners, we may become more open, authentic, and creative, resulting in sustainable flourishing.

“Yes, ironically, this is the very wound that can lead to new spiritual growth.  Thinking of your death can help you to radically alter your fixed and habitual perception. Instead of living according to the merely visible material realm of life, you begin to refine your sensibility and become aware of the treasures that are hidden in the invisible side of life.” (O’Donohue, 1999)

The RIFS is the research arm of the International Society for Existential Positive Psychology, the professional division of the INPM. Its objective is to support original collaborative research, maintain a Research Ethics Board, and publish a peer reviewed journal (The International Journal of Existential Positive Psychology [IJEPP]). You are invited to becoming a founding member of this institute (www.meaning.ca/membership).

Are you interested in: (a) enrolling in the forthcoming certificate course on EPP and Meaning Therapy?  and/or (b) joining our Research Institute on Flourishing & Suffering as a member? If so, please email us at drpaulwong@gmail.com.



O’Donohue, J. (1999). Anam Cara: Spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world. Transworld Pub.

Wong, P. T. P. (2019). Second wave positive psychology’s (PP 2.0) contribution to counselling psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly [Special Issue]. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/09515070.2019.1671320