Positive Living Newsletter

Finding purpose and meaning in the darkness

Tamara Hill

Posted Mar 28, 2024

Ever since I was a young child, I was drawn to a scripture passage in the New International Version of the Christian Bible which is: “You are a lamp to my feet and a light to guide my path” (psalm 119:105). I never really understood why I felt drawn to that passage until I began […]

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In One’s Darkest Hour: The Connection Between Duty and Meaning in Life

Luke Kocan

Posted Mar 28, 2024

As suicide rates rise in the United States, questions abound as to how therapists can adapt to an increasingly challenging and complex world (Marshall, 2024). Viktor Frankl’s (2020) work, Yes to Life, has much to offer today’s clinician. Taking us on a journey of postwar Europe, Frankl suggests that his clients had become “spiritually bombed […]

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How to say Yes to Life in the Face of Suffering and Death

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Mar 28, 2024

In a recent interview with a writer for the Reader’s Digest, she asked me about the meaning of Easter. I told her that Easter means hope, quoting my own writing on Easter (Wong, 2002): “Easter never fails us. Even in the worst of times, amidst destruction, death and despair, Easter arrives as surely as daybreak, […]

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New Member: Nermin Matta

Posted Mar 26, 2024

Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down at the breathtaking view of nature. That is where my passion began for finding the meaning of life. My name is Nermin Matta, I am a dedicated full-time family physician and a mom to a beautiful daughter, my Rachel. I’ve been fortunate enough to have […]

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Rebirth Starts in Our Darkest Hour

Elle White

Posted Mar 26, 2024

I still hate separation; however, it is like a curse that I can never run away. The major depression that I experienced several years ago, triggered by the failures in both my previous romantic relationship and academic career, transformed me and gave me a new life. This was after the seemingly endless dark days when […]

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5 Reasons Why Christians and Muslims Reject Euthanasia

Timothy T. F. Yu

Posted Mar 26, 2024

*This is an excerpt from a longer article titled Making an exit: Secular, Christian, and Islamic perspectives on euthanasia Palliative care patients often face many challenges when making end-of-life decisions. This is especially true for people of faith, such as Christians and Muslims, who need to consider the spiritual consequences of such decisions. The Government […]

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Camus and Amery: Titans Diverging on the One Truly Serious Problem

Frances Grace Hart

Posted Mar 26, 2024

In line with one scientist’s predictions, the 20th century saw man-made horrors beyond comprehension (Holdsworth, 1947, p. 125). In light of these horrors, two prominent thinkers of the 20th century were led to remarkably disparate conclusions. For Austrian essayist Jean Amery (1912-1978): a rejection of the “logic of life” that insists we must go on […]

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You Can Hope Again

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Dec 20, 2023

In this Christmas session, the world is full of bad news, from devastating wars and humanitarian crises to mental health problems (CBC News, 2023). But we can hope again because Christ was born in a manger more than 2 thousand years ago. My 2002 Christmas message reflected hope. I want to share it again with […]

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Starting with Ourselves

Christy Gualtieri

Posted Dec 20, 2023

Before my kids were born, I worked at a coffee shop–the kind you could almost tell the time by depending on the seasonal drinks that were offered. Light and airy iced teas in the spring, for example, and fancy coffees that were little more than well-disguised milkshakes in the summer. The autumn was marked by […]

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Working with Clients: ‘Roadmapping’ Meaning in Logotherapy

Luke Kocan

Posted Dec 20, 2023

As we approach the end of another year, we may find ourselves reflecting on our achievements, goals, and significant events. Often, such reflections centre on whether or not we are happy or whether the people, places, or things that we experienced over the course of the past year brought us happiness. American founding father Benjamin […]

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