Hello INPM community! I am a Registered Psychotherapist and licensed teacher in the province of Ontario. I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at Dalhousie University in 2006, a Bachelor of Education degree at Université Sainte-Anne in 2008, and was initially trained as a high school teacher.
My early education led me to follow a path overseas where I taught in the Middle East for several years. There, I delved into Victor Frankl’s work while on my journey to find meaning. A part of my life’s work has been to transmute my own suffering into something powerful and meaningful, and helping my students do the same led me to pursue a career in psychotherapy.
In 2014, I completed a Masters of Education degree in Counselling Psychology at the University of Toronto. I presently work with young adults, university students, and millennials. The primary focus of my work is to help my clients address existential issues, and assist them in the development of accountability, power, responsibility and resilience. I believe that instead of shunning of hiding from our darkness, we can find ways to use it to evolve, and ultimately become more enlightened and happier people. By understanding that there is no light without darkness, we can grasp the dichotomy between “good” and “bad” and use it to our advantage.
I am currently designing a wellness blog with the assistance of a Registered Nurse. Together, we aspire to help millennials and Gen Z’s live optimally by tackling topics like mental health, anxiety, meaning, nutrition, fitness and brain health.
I am a new member to INPM, having just discovered the network through LinkedIn. I am very excited to learn about meaning-centered research from other like-minded individuals and esteemed scholars. Someday, I look forward to meeting you all in person!
Website: www.janineruddypsychotherapy.com