Positive Living Newsletter

What Is Humanity Doing With Its Humanity?

Will Alkhoury

Posted Mar 15, 2023

How do we make sense of how the global landscape is changing? Can we comprehend the new possibilities available to us? Are we headed towards societal disaster? What dynamics are at play in our current moment in history? To better understand and gain insight into the major unfolding global trends, let us examine three key […]

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One World, One Hope, One Plan

Roger L. Russell

Posted Mar 15, 2023

WARNING: Proceed with caution. Extreme idealism ahead. Author may be delusional. Diagnosis pending. My roots run deep in a town of 4,000 souls in northeast Texas, USA. My paternal grandfather was born there in 1898. I was hatched on the same farm in 1961, 62 years ago. In 2016 I moved to Beijing, China, population […]

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Finding Meaning & Community In…Internet Reaction Videos?

Christy Gualtieri

Posted Mar 14, 2023

I recently came across–and was immediately drawn in by–a YouTube video that consisted of various people reacting in real time to the ending of the 1995 film, “The Usual Suspects.” It had been so long since I’d seen it, and it was so much fun seeing everyone react to it for the first time, watching […]

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Creating Meaning Through Tragedy

Luke Gregory Kocan

Posted Mar 14, 2023

When tragedy hits, people often find themselves feeling confused, lost, and without hope.  Whether it is failure in school or work, financial issues, or death, counselors often witness how clients handle the worst that life throws at them.  When one faces their most difficult trials, how does one foster a sense of rebirth and renewal?  […]

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Andreea Ursu, Ph.D.

Posted Dec 28, 2022

I was born in the beautiful city of Iași, Romania, the North-Eastern city of the European Union. In the past six years I have been living in Turkey, Spain, Jordan and Greece. I am a Psychologist, traveling around the world, learning more about the ways people intentionally and authentically live and give meaning to their lives. […]

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Andrzej Krzysztof Jastrzębski, O.M.I

Posted Dec 28, 2022

As far back as I can remember, my passion has been to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. From a very young age encounters with human existential problems became the driving force in my search and I felt intuitively that spirituality would be fundamental in understanding the depths of the […]

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Finding Hope, Inner-Peace, Balance, and Well-Being

Luke Gregory Kocan

Posted Dec 28, 2022

In times such as these, people find themselves questioning their futures.  Many people are worried about their rights, the state of the economy, their ability to pay for future expenses, and, most of all, their own inner happiness. As counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals encounter these issues with clients, one theme appears to […]

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Inner Peace, Harmony, and Interpersonal Space

Támara Hill

Posted Dec 28, 2022

Peace is something the world is lacking at present. Since the 911 attacks in 2001, it appears the world has gone through a major shift in its resiliency and in its ability to sustain harmony. When the world is off its axis so, too, are our personal worlds–too often we find ourselves struggling to find […]

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Peace is a Ripple!

Pooja V. Anand

Posted Dec 28, 2022

Conflicts are a part of our everyday life and they occur at various levels. Even though numerous theories and models of conflict have been proposed, somehow we haven’t yet understood the real reason why conflicts occur and why their frequency appear to be increasing day by day. Let’s try to reflect and understand the true […]

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Death Anxiety and Peace

Rachel N. Seamans

Posted Dec 28, 2022

Between late 2019 and early 2020, people across the world were thrust into isolation, panic, and fear as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. People spent hours at a time watching the news and doom-scrolling Facebook in search of updates, but were ultimately flooded with morbid headlines such as “How High Will It Go? As […]

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