President's Column

Let Your Vulnerability be Your Strength

Paul T.P. Wong

Posted Mar 23, 2019

Are you worried about being vulnerable? “Vulnerability” is derived from the Latin word vulnerare (to be wounded); it describes the potential to be injured physically and/or psychologically. Generally, people consider vulnerability as weakness and the opposite of resilience.

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Milestones—past and future

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Jan 4, 2019

I want to wish every Meaning Partner a Happy New Year! Looking back, it has been an exciting year with our 20th anniversary celebration for the INPM and my 80th birthday celebration.

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Meaning Therapy and the Toronto Van Attack

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted May 15, 2018

On May 6, I did a one-hour interview at the Fairchild TV Studio in Richmond Hill, Ontario, for their program Leisure Talk (大城小聚), which features special guests discussing topics of interest to the Chinese community in Canada. My topic happened to be meaning therapy as a way to help people live better and happier lives […]

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Listening to Your Life

William F. Evans

Posted Oct 1, 2007

As another anniversary of 9-11 arrived, I found myself contemplating how fragile the world seems sometimes. It is difficult to understand the meaning of life in times of tragedy and suffering.

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Take This Job and Love It!

William F. Evans

Posted Mar 1, 2007

There it was, projecting up at me from the top of an advertisement page in a weekly news magazine: “take this job and love it!” Why did this phrase capture my attention? Besides the fact that it was an obvious take off on an old country music hit, “take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more,” I also think it was the audacity of someone thinking that work could be fun!

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Intuition: The Best Kept Secret for Survival and Success

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Jun 1, 2006

Often intuition is the deciding factor between failure and success. Even though we don’t know precisely what intuition is, at the gut level we all know that it is there and that it can be summoned to our aid whenever we feel overwhelmed.

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Does Reverence Matter in Today’s Secular Society?

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Apr 1, 2006

We are in the grip of a crisis of international proportions. Is it terrorism? Is it ethnopolitical conflict? I suggest that the underlying problem may be the loss of reverence for life.
In a diverse multicultural society, respect for others is touted as the highest virtue while reverence for life is relegated to the dustbin of history. There is something incongruent and self-contradictory in these two social trends.

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