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Discovering Meaning and Personal Significance

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Jan 1, 2002

What is your aspiration for the New Year? Will this be a break-through year for you? Do you still dream of wealth, fame and power? Do you plan to achieve greater success? Or do you yearn for meaning and personal significance in a chaotic and uncertain world?

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A New Algebra for Positive Psychology

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Dec 1, 2001

All through the Positive Psychology Summit in Washington, DC, October 5-8, 2001, there was a constant undercurrent, tugging at the participants for an effective response to September 11. Indeed, many speakers did acknowledge the challenge posted by this national tragedy to positive psychology, but their responses tended to focus on “happiness” and “the good life” and minimize the negative.

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When terror hits home: A case for tragic optimism

Paul T. P. Wong

Posted Sep 1, 2001

What is un-imaginable has happened. The evil of mass destruction has descended on American soil. The terrorists have just stuck, with such deadly force and accuracy, the center of commerce and the nerves-center of the military – symbols of American wealth and might. The world’s only superpower is under attack, and she seems so vulnerable.

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